Monthly Archives: January 2011

Black Gold! the real deal.

El Dorado, the elusive city of gold in South America, has been discovered! More precisely, the anthropologists and archaeologists have confirmed that a thriving civilization thrived a long time ago in a land previously thought to be unthriveable. What was their secret?… Pyromaniacy, of course. They knew how to make and use charcoal.

 Ok. Here it is in a tiny nutshell (skip this section if you suffer from history-induced narcolepsy). 500 years ago Spanish conquistadores heard tale of a people that rolled their chief in gold and washed him in a sacred lake. This gave rise to the legend of El Dorado, the city of gold, and the lustful search was on.


where is my goofy metal hat?

A capable young man named Francisco de Orellana was sent down the Amazon via the headwaters below the recently conquered Incan empire, becoming the first European to visit that area. He was almost dead when he started with 50 other starving men (they had crossed jungle for 6 weeks), and they almost died, repeatedly. He did not die and made it back to Spain eventually where he impressed the queen with tales of gold, spices, and a thriving civilization. Naturally, she told him to go exploit it.

orellana bust

I love my hat!

He tried and died and was immortally petrified. Some other dude went to the same area, returned to Spain, and said that Francisco was a big liar; there were just a few huts and some starving indians. So it remained that way until around the 1950s when some scientifically inclined folks started poking around in the Amazon soil and found some intriguing stuff. It was largely ignored for years because it did not suit some other scientists who puffed up and said, “Not possible!” because it contradicted their PhD thesis. It is now accepted that an enormous civilization did in fact exist right where ‘ole Franky had said, with earthworks on par with the pyramids and an unrivaled agriculture based on a man-made soil. Moreover, it was there continuously from the time of Christ and does not show the stratification typical of other societies that were established and re-established due to war. So where did they go? Apparently, Francisco’s parting handshake (or maybe just a distant cough) was all it took to introduce disease for which the natives had no immunity, and the jungle swallowed them and their handiwork up as quickly as it is capable of today… except for the amazingly fertile soil they created, which persists and is used by the smattering of locals to grow their food.

Recently, the term biochar was coined to represent charcoal as a soil additive. What does it do for the soil, you say? A lot. And more importantly, how is it made? A lot of ways. The jury is still out, but there is already a lot of information out there and major institutions such as the USDA, Cornell, and UGA are a few of the folks on the biochar train here in the U.S. If you’re interested, the International Biochar Initiative is a good place to start researching. There are also a lot of backyard operations for the home garden and orchard.

 There are a lot of techy stainless steel contraptions out there, but, obviously, we’re looking for the most appropriate way to apply this age-old practice in rural Panama. In the spirit of “burn to learn,” we constructed a pit to make a little charcoal in Mountain Rest, SC. With the minimal application of science and forethought, this is what evolved:

step 1

Step 1: dig a pit (on an incline) making an inlet on the lower end (we used a cinder block) and a chimney at the upper end (all we could find was 2" steel pipe). That's Nick of BarnabasX

step 2

Step 2: build a little fire (for the burn to function in TLUD mode, we could’ve built the fire at the chimney end, but putting it at the inlet may have more potential to capture the gases (wood vinegar). We’re learning, remember.

step 3

Step 3: Pack wood into the pit.

step 4

Step 4: Cover the pit, seal, insulate, and wait. (We had some old roofing and insulation laying around. The colliers of old Pennsylvania used leaves and dirt back in the day with a little different methodology. We're thinking rocks, banana leaves, and dirt for Panama). We ran out of time and patience, so we didn't get a complete char... but we learned.

step 5

Step 5: Seal the inlet and chimney to stop the burn and allow to cool.

step 6

Step 6: Harvest the char!

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The title serves as a pronunciation guide for dengue fever. I don’t want to hear you call it dingie or den-gooey or din-goo. AedesIt’s dengue, a.k.a. break-bone fever, a viral infection transmitted by a day-time mosquito, Aedes, and my recent souvenir from Panama. The good news or the bad news? Let’s get the bad out of the way. There is no cure. Symptoms last from a few days to a month and may include:

 Hemorrhaging, Death (may last more than a month), Feeling like your bones are breaking, Eye pain, Rash, Loss of appetite, Extreme weight loss (as seen on TV), Temperature fluctuations from 94 to 104 degrees (F), Passing out when trying to urinate and busting your face open on the back of the toilet and no one checking on you because you broke wind while unconscious so they assumed you were ok because crashing and subsequent flatulence are normal 3 a.m. bathroom noises, Repeated night sweats, Loss of control of bodily functions, Running out of clean pajamas and having to wear your wife’s maternity pants, Loss of pride and dignity, Extreme appreciation of family, Delirium, Dehydration, and Dry mouth.

 The good news is you’re much more likely to get hit by a bus busthan die of dengue. In fact, most cases produce flu-like symptoms at their worst, and many people never show symptoms at all. A little knowledge and/or common sense will prevent you from contracting dengue and getting run over by a bus. I think I was lacking in both on that fateful day when I rushed to visit a friend’s dad in the public hospital [read: trashy area in downtown Panama City] and did not dress properly or take any measure to protect myself while going to a place where sick people congregate en masse. I’m sure that’s where I got it. The Aedes thrives in trashy, urban areas and is a real home-body, usually traveling 50 or 60 yards at most from where it hatches, so outbreaks are localized and preventative measures, like not leaving stagnant pools of water around your house, sleeping naked in alleyways, or engaging in mosquito farming, are very effective on the prevention end of things.

 My learning experience should not deter you from visiting Panama or utilizing any public highway system, but I hope it has made you a little more informed and thus safer. Cuidate.

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Mi Casa es Tu Casa

I guess I’ll start this story from back in August when I travelled down to Panama to build our house. Destination: Catrigandí, a 30 minute walk towards Colombia from Piriatí, the reservation where I lived while serving with Peace Corps. It was slightly intentional and mostly fortuitous that we came into possesion of a 1/2 acre lot nextdoor to a local pastor that I had worked with previously. I mulled and doodled my way into a house design, and my dear friend, Matt Rhody, got most of the materials on site: lumber, rebar, rock, and sand. Everything had to be carried in the last 100 yards on shoulder because the road washed out. An unexpected blessing showed up in the form of Steve Bliss from Dead Wheat International Foundation. He picked me up at the airport, took me on a shopping spree, and then taxied us towards the homesite in Catrigandí. When faced with the prospect of toting cement, and anxious to lend his expertise and get the foundation squared off, Steve opted to employ his truck, really more of a snorkeled tank, to drive 1/2 mile up the river and into my backyard. I am grateful for this and for the generous help given by friends Drew Lebowitz and Bryce Chapman as well as my neighbors Isnel, Justo, Jorge, Samuel, Esteban, and Marcial… and of course the talented cook, Edalia. Even the kids helped out. Awesome neighbors. It was 25 days, 12 to 14 hours apiece, to go from nothing to getting the roof on. You’re welcome to come stay, but if you can hold off for another month, it’ll have a floor and walls… and maybe a hammock.[slideshow]

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Home away from home away from home

here we go!

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