It was a challenging but rewarding visit to two communities on the Membrillo River in the Emberá-Wounaan comarca, Sinaí and Mach Pöbor. After rebuilding the pump, installing the new controller, and waiting for the sun to shine (on the solar panels) we were able to pump water. Yeah! This is a big first step in getting the system operational. Unfortunately, the well design that worked so good in Villa Caleta will not likely work here because of the geology. So we’ll be back to the design table to see how to deal with this powerful river.

Mach Pöbor has become quite the community in its two short years of existence. Having relocated to higher ground following the flood of 2010, they have received few of the promises from the government, and have built a tremendous amount of infrastructure with their own sweat and resources. But they still lack a water system, so we’ve taken the first steps in designing a system. Fortunately, they have a nearby stream, so we won’t have to battle with the main river there.
Colleen and Kalea arrive in 2 hours, and I will make a big stride against the nemesis of loneliness after a long month of working without them.
Blessings and Health,