By Colleen

A view from our kitchen window in beautiful Catrigandí. The cows graze in the early morning as the sun begins to heat the day.
We saw yet another new species of bird that we had not seen before at our house. He was in the orange trees. He had a bright yellow beak, vibrant red chest and green body….long tail feathers. I thank God for nature that surrounds me as I dwell in His creation.

Kalea enjoys hearing the story about the fox catching the gingerbread man over and over! Thanks Alan for capturing this moment on camera!
Since our next door neighbors moved away to be closer to their sons school, Luris and Kalea really miss getting to play with each other. While they are still on summer vacation here in Panama, Kalea had her first sleepover here at our house! It lasted three days! We enjoyed having this time to visit with Luris, and the girls had a blast playing! We hope to get one more sleepover in before school starts on the 29th of February.
Joshua just had his 6 month check up (Although tomorrow 2-21 he will be 7 months!)…Quote of the week….after weighing and measuring Josh at his appointment, the pediatrician drew in the points on the growth chart and said, “He is not obese, but…..” We feel certain that his large size indicates he will be very tall!
Meet the Browns! We met up with Sarah, Tony, their baby girl Rosie while they came for a vision trip (They have an older daughter Violet who stayed back in Canada with grandparents). They are new missionaries with mb mission and will be moving to Panama sometime in August to work with the Wounaan youth leaders in the city (Chepo area). Please pray for this wonderful family as they prepare to transition to a life here in Panama. Please pray for us as a team as we are growing! (If you would like to learn more about Tony and Sarah or how you could support them, please visit )
Since Christmas, Alan has hoped that Kalea would enjoy playing with Legos….we invested in some sets to bring back to Panama. The other night we had the opportunity to share the Legos with some neighbors. Our neighbor had to go to the hospital far into the city for a surgery, and her girls spent the night with us (three girls). After Mily (Meel-lee) and Kalea went to bed, I stayed up with Anna and Damaris until 11:00 pm helping them find Lego pieces as they followed the construction instructions…..they were hooked! I love how innocence is preserved here deep in the countryside, at thirteen and fifteen these girls are not “too cool” for Legos, or coloring books…and they don´t spend their time lost in smartphones because they don´t have them.
We finally had some time with another homeschool family that lives about an hour from our home. The girls were practicing throwing and catching with a football “nerf”….captured here with daughters of Jennifer, Abigail and Caroline. We hope to start getting together with this family regulary to do Physical education and art. Please pray for us that we wouldn´t get discouraged by the distance needed to travel in order to have this well needed time together. (Jennifer now has a 2 month old baby Lucy, so it is nice to have time together encouraging one another along in how to homeschool with growing families).