“Out of the eater, something to eat;
out of the strong, something sweet.”
This was the riddle that Samson gave to his wedding guests in the book of Judges. Here´s my version:
“Out of the potty, something to eat; out of the filthy, something sweet.”
All bets are off, and fortunately I´m not prone to spontaneous massacres like Samson, so I´ll just give you the answer. What is filthier than a latrine and sweeter than honey!

The "bees" have constructed their hive within the blocks... we just had to bust them open.
I guess it´s not as amazing as digging honey out of a lion like Samson, but we thought it was pretty cool that some wild, non-stinging, bee-like fly critters set up camp in the masonry of our old latrine and started making honey. We set up a little roof for them and will encourage them to expand their operation while making it a little easier to harvest some of their goods.
We´re still pooping in a bucket. More on that soon, as well as tales from visits by BarnabasX and my cousin, Hunter.

I couldn´t wait on this one. No one had ever seen a trompet before. It was epic. That´s Hunter with Grandpa

I´ve fallen...again... (giggle)
Kalea is soooo cute! Miss you guys! Much aloha, Vicki