Last time I came and started the house, we had good spring water 24/7. That was the wet season. Although the creek behind the house still flows steadily, the community water system is taxed beyond capacity, and during this month, we´ve had running water at the house for a grand total of about two hours. We´re the farthest up the river, but based on the system design, we´re the last to get water. The system is sized such that metering water is not economical and thus encouraging the conservation of water is difficult.

The hole has a 5 gallon capacity and takes several hours to fill. It serves a few families for drinking water only.
So our drinking water has been coming from a hole in the rock about 75 yards upriver. It would seem to be a setback, but this also means that our first major water project will be close to home. We’ve already visited new spring sources that are very close to the upper reaches of the community, which includes 14 homes with 5 or so occupants each. We have a green light from the land owner of the spring sources. The idea is to create a small feeder system and storage tank to serve the existing distribution system of these 14 homes. The tank will include an overflow into the principal line of the existing system which services the much larger community. In the coming weeks, we will revisit the springs, take flow measurements, map the proposed system, make a materials list and budget, take a community census, and hold a community meeting to verify that each household supports the project. We’ll help raise the funds and direct the system construction; the community will provide the labor. The system will cost a few thousand dollars. BarnabasX has agreed to partner with us to raise funds for this system. If you’d like to partner financially on this project, go to BarnabasX and make a tax deductible donation earmarked: Faith and Fruit- Catrigandi water project. If you’d like to come down and lend a hand, contact us. We hope to raise the funds asap and do the installation by May. Dios les bendiga.